Making, Metalsmithing

Workshop improvements

Even with layers of cold weather gear on, around Halloween last year it got too cold for me to do any more metalsmithing in the garage. I was feeling really discouraged about it, and not sure how to channel all the creativity energy I had at the time.

On a whim, I had a handyman come and assess what it would take to overhaul my little corner of the garage. Knowing that I would not be able to metalsmith for a few months, I gave away the rickety table I was using, as well as a bunch of mismatched shelves. He put in butcherblock, shelving, and overhead lighting.

It’s getting warm enough to metalsmith on a regular basis again. I am so glad I had a workbench put in the garage in November last year – I am enjoying having more space to work and learn. And I am spending a lot of time out here, now.

Here is a little glimpse of what it looked like before:

My new set up is not fancy, but it’s still fantastic! I have so much more work surface and storage than I did before, and – even if it’s still our dirty garage – it is such an incredible pleasure to reflect and make out here, now. Blessed to have the space, the means, and the support to indulge in my hobbies in this way. 💕

I’m struggling a little bit with my online presence – too many sites to maintain! But for now you can find my finished work on Instagram. At some point I will probably created a dedicated space, but I’m not producing enough to worry about that, yet.

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